November 8, 2010

#ShakingMyDamnDreads *Bow Wow Says He Wishes He Was Dead*

Today's Crock of Shit 
comes courtesy of Bow Wow's Twitter account
My advice for Shad:
In the words of  Mr. Clark aka they use to call him Crazy Joe, but now they call him Batman.
(shame on you if you ain't never seen Lean On Me):

"If you wanna kill ya self, don't fuck around with it. 
Go on and do it expeditiously."

 Go straight to hell and don't collect $200.
It's much easier to just go ahead and come out the closet.  
God will forgive you for homosexually killing other people's  ass, but you will NOT be forgiven for killing your own ass(hole).
Via Hip-Hop Wired Reported Friday

Being in the music industry is a stressful job, especially for Hip-Hop artist Bow Wow, who has been involved since he was just a child

Recently Bow Wow took to twitter to rant about the struggle he has faced, and why if he had the option, he would go back to living a regular life.

"I sacrificed my life for this Hip Hop shit. I put my "REAL" life on hold. If i could do it over.... I wudda went to school. Got me a reg job." 

Bow Wow continues his rant and claims sometimes that he wishes he could take his life:

"I swear i be wishing i was dead sometimes. Because i feel like that's the only way ill get peace.  People don't know me man. Yall don't ... start looking at Shad. Not Bow wow. Fuck Bow. I go through shit daily. I'm Just like yall"

Although it is not certain why Bow Wow has gone on this rant, we have to think that the Raz B's allegations of an alleged sexual relationship  between Bow and Lil Fiz doesn't help Bow's problems.
Do you  think this is just a rant for Bow, or should someone really talk to him?

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