November 9, 2010

*Equality In [Child Support] Court Is Definitely Bullshit * posted by Joe Budden

[After being slammed recently in news headlines for being accused of failing to make his child support payments, Joe Budden gives his take on the legal system.]

Child support never works in your favor in the court of law. When people are not in the know, when they hear the word "rapper" or [the name] of any figure in the entertainment industry, there's all types of stigmas and stereotypes that they try to apply [to that person].

One of [the stereotypes] is that if you are a male rapper, you are a millionaire. They don't quite get the ins and outs of the business and how much of an income you actually make. All they know is "Okay, you put out an album so you probably have a million dollars." It doesn't work like that.

And totally aside from being an artist, males, in general, tend to have a hard time in that area. Normally, eight times out of ten whatever the woman says is what goes.

Equality in court is bullsh*t. It's definitely bullsh*t. One of the peeves that I have is no justice system should be able to say [what I need to pay]. I don't think any justice system should be able to say what "number" their child is worth.

And there's so many little things that go on with that. To keep it funky, I don't save the receipt every time I purchase something. I just don't. Of course, the court system says we're supposed to and now maybe we should to avoid any problems in the future. But it's just not realistic to do.

So it's a million different ways for you to get jammed up [by the system] and unless you're ever put in that situation, you probably wouldn't get it. The press puts out there, "Joe Budden Doesn't Pay Child Support, He's A Deadbeat." I take care of my child, my step child, my mother, my grandfather, please. My situation was just very misleading.

Joe Budden is a New Jersey artist known for his Mood Muzik mixtape series, and as well as a member of hip-hop group Slaughterhouse. The latest edition to the mixtape series, Mood Muzik 4: A Turn For The Worst, is set to drop November 9th.

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Anonymous said...

Fuck Dem Hoes!

Anonymous said...

This is what I say.
the system is corrupt but don't complain now!! Unless your gonna fight it. Youk Know what?? Let's switch places...

Anonymous said...

@Let's Switch Places Nice article, already a victim of c.s., I agree with a lot of what you said, but still FUCK DEM HOES! Especially my tired ass baby mama.