November 30, 2010

The Game Goes In On Marques Houston: "Keep Yo A** Away From Amusement Parks You Booty Bandit"

West coast rapper The Game may have given up beef in Hip-Hop, but that doesn't stop him from causing controversy.

Via Twitter, The Game decided to go in on Marques Houston and Chris Stokes about the alleged molestation rumors being hurled around by former B2K member Raz B.

On his Twitter page, The Game started off the roast fest by tweeting:

#thingswecanallagreeon Chris Stokes & Marques Houston shouldnt've EVER touched on on Raz B & them other lil dudes private parts like dat.

#ifmymomhadatwitter she would TWEET the same DAMN thang.

Chris Stokes & Marques Houston, we on yo head like a "LACEFRONT WIG" n**gas ! Yall #makemesick & #ifmymomhadatwitter she wouldnt follow YALL

As if that wasn't enough The Game decided to go one step further by stating letting Marques Houston know that a rape charge against a man is not cool.

Pedophile a** n**gas shouldnt be allowed within 20 MILES of a DAY CARE or a ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ! & Stay away from ICE CREAM TRUCKS 2 n**ga !

them n**gaz some straight BUTT PIRATES !!!

& keep yo a** AWAY from Amusement Parks, Toy Story premiere's , maternity wards & baby showers you #BOOTYBANDITS

Obviously after reaching the breaking point after serving as the “butt” of The Game's jokes, Marques Houston had this to say:

“Always look through the "Smoke N Mirrors" my n**ga,” Marques Houston tweeted. “@thegame everything is being handled properly by the LAW. God Bless.”

At the end of it all, The Game made it clear that although he was laughing at Chris Stokes and Marques Houston, it was all in fun.

“@marqueshouston If yall did or didnt do it, personally it aint MY BUSINESS n**ga I'm just drunk as f**k & dat sh*t hilarious doe.. Huh yall” The Game tweeted.

“I'm goin to sleep y'all, wit ONE EYE OPEN doe....... LOL”

Wow…whether Marques Houston or Chris Stokes did it or not, that Tweet Roast was funny.

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